Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Purpose of the Blog

So here we are! A class of writers, thinkers, artists. My hope in using our blogs is to have access to each others' writing more often as well as to comment on others' writing in a helpful and collaborative manner. Therefore, I'm going to ask that you authentically engage in the Blogging process.

Each student must have a Blogger page. Please email the URL to me. I will compile a class list of all 88 Blogs. Yes, 88. However, I'm only going to ask that you follow a minimum of 25. These Blogs can belong to any current HE10 member, not necessarily those from your specific class.

Please post all of your writing! Start with your short story.

ALL posts, comments, pictures, etc., MUST BE SCHOOL APPROPRIATE. When in doubt, please ask.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: For school assignments, please include an author's note that briefly explains the assignment, the background knowledge needed, what you're trying to get across in your writing, etc.

COMMENT FORMAT:When commenting on others' work, please write: a few specific things that they did well, questions and ideas to consider for improvement, overall impact/effect...

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